We strongly encourage you to take our FREE interactive course! It covers everything you need to know about designing a planted tank that will keep your plants happy and healthy.
Learn how to build and maintain beautiful planted aquariums
Basic Principles of Keeping A Planted Tank
Setup and Maintenance of Planted Tanks
Troubleshooting Your Planted Tank
Check out our Official Algae Guide. It helps you identify, treat, and most importantly prevent 10 of the most common algaes we see in the hobby.
I don't have time to read the guide. I'm busy ok! Check out our blog posts
Let ASG design an aquascape that we know you'll love
Education on maintaining planted aquariums
Check out what we have in stock.
We've got what you need to keep your plants happy!
Seachem Flourish Excel
Dr. Tim's Ammonium Chloride
ChemiClean Aquarium Treatment - Cyanobacteria Treatment - (Fresh and Saltwater)
Seachem Equilibrium
ASG Fertilization Kit | Aquarium Plant Fertilizer
ASG Fertilization Kit - Refill Pack
ASG Refill Bags - Trace CSM+B (T)
ASG Refill Bags - Potassium (K)
ASG Refill Bags - Phosphates (P)
ASG Refill Bags - Nitrates (N)
Macro and Micro Labels (500ml Bottle)
500ml Dual Neck Dosing Bottle (16oz)
ASG Glass Lily Pipes Set / Inlet & Outlet / Jet - Orchid - Bulb (10mm)
ASG Mini Canister Filter (17fl oz)
Adjustable Brushless Mini Pump (12V USB)
ASG 10w Nano USB Heater
Brand spank'n new
Drop us a message and we can work on getting something special ordered for you!